A Sector, commonly referred to as a Provincial Sector, is a designated area of space within the broader and diverse cosmic region known as the Canadian Expanse. These Sectors function similarly to provinces, contributing to the organization and governance of this vast territory.
Structure and Division
The Canadian Expanse is divided into thirteen Provincial Sectors, each with its own unique characteristics and significance. These Sectors are named and modeled after terrestrial provinces in Canada on Earth, enhancing the organizational structure of the cosmic region.
List of Provincial Sectors
1. Alberta Sector
2. British Columbia Sector
3. Manitoba Sector
4. New Brunswick Sector
5. Newfoundland and Labrador Sector
6. Territories Sector
7. Nova Scotia Sector
8. Nunavut Sector
9. Ontario Sector
10. Prince Edward Sector
11. Quebec Sector
12. Saskatchewan Sector
13. Yukon Sector
Sector Governance
Each Sector is autonomously governed by a Sector Government, responsible for the administration and legislative oversight within its jurisdiction. These governments operate through legislative bodies known as the Sector Legislature or Sector Assembly, which are tasked with creating policies, passing laws, and managing sector-specific affairs.
Sector Capitals
Each Provincial Sector designates a specific star system as its Sector Capital, also referred to as a Capital Star System (CSS). These capital star systems are pivotal in terms of governance, culture, and commerce for their respective Sectors.